FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer

Programme 2022

The programme follows the 24-hour clock. A show after 12 midnight is included in the following day’s list.

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Day Time Show Company Lenght Discipline
10/09/2022 13:00 La Reina del Arga Cia. Estefanía de Paz Asín 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 13:00 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 13:15 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 13:30 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 13:45 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 14:00 Distancia Onírica Mecánica 45' Theatre
10/09/2022 14:00 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 14:15 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 14:30 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 14:45 Reverse Johannes Bellinkx 90' Theatre
10/09/2022 16:00 Exit through the gift shop Carla Rovira 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 16:00 Rumbo a Farout Onírica Mecánica 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 16:30 Poi Cia. D'es Tro 50' Circus
10/09/2022 17:00 Boule de neige Théâtre de la Toupine Installation
10/09/2022 17:00 El dia que va morir l'últim panda Projecte Ingenu 75' Theatre
10/09/2022 17:00 Exit Circumstances 60' Circus
10/09/2022 17:00 EXPOSICIÓ - Exit through the gift shop Carla Rovira Installation
10/09/2022 17:00 Orkestrònia La Cresta Installation
10/09/2022 17:00 Robot Selfie Kaleider 180' Installation
10/09/2022 17:30 Hablar con las plantas para llegar a un paisaje Artistas Salchichas 120' Theatre
10/09/2022 17:30 Trinario Proyecto Resonantes 25' Dance
10/09/2022 18:00 Affresco Josep Minguell i Llorenç Corbella 75' Theatre
10/09/2022 18:00 Glubs Nacho Vilar Producciones y Yllana Producciones 60' Theatre
10/09/2022 18:00 Pd Verrizè Pd Verrizè 60' Music
10/09/2022 18:00 Rumbo a Farout Onírica Mecánica 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 18:00 Runa Amer Kabbani (Cia. 104º) 45' Circus
10/09/2022 18:00 S.O.S. Ada Vilaró 40' Physical Theater
10/09/2022 18:00 Si tu te'n vas Cia. Pepa Plana 70' Circus
10/09/2022 18:30 MIRAGE (un jour de fête) Compagnie Dyptik 50' Dance
10/09/2022 18:30 Un segundo bajo la arena Col·lectiu Desasosiego 120' Theatre
10/09/2022 19:00 Born to protest Joseph Toonga 35' Dance
10/09/2022 19:00 Maña Cia. Manolo Alcántara 60' Circus - Installation
10/09/2022 19:15 Desclos Rubrica Teatre 40' Theatre
10/09/2022 19:30 Exit through the gift shop Carla Rovira 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 19:30 Hablar con las plantas para llegar a un paisaje Artistas Salchichas 120' Theatre
10/09/2022 19:30 Poi Cia. D'es Tro 50' Circus
10/09/2022 19:30 S.O.S. Ada Vilaró 40' Physical Theater
10/09/2022 20:00 Exit Circumstances 60' Circus
10/09/2022 20:00 La Reina del Arga Cia. Estefanía de Paz Asín 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 20:00 Rumbo a Farout Onírica Mecánica 50' Theatre
10/09/2022 20:30 Nest SARAU / Marie Gyselbrecht 60' Movement - Theater
10/09/2022 21:00 + Sound de Secà 50' Music - Theatre
10/09/2022 21:00 La grUtesca Escarlata 60' Art Action
10/09/2022 21:00 Nu.A Núria Andorrà 50' Music
10/09/2022 21:00 Orpheus Insectotròpics 45' Theatre
10/09/2022 21:00 Pastors La Mira 50' Journalism
10/09/2022 21:00 The Unfinished Human MANIFESTO (El Manifest inacabat de la Humanitat) Lali Álvarez 75' Theatre
10/09/2022 21:00 Zloty Cia. Pau Palaus 50' Circus
10/09/2022 21:30 Un segundo bajo la arena Col·lectiu Desasosiego 120' Theatre
10/09/2022 22:00 Opia Marcel Fabregat 60' Music

